i drive a lot, like alot. well, i think so anyway. i am either traveling to Roanoke to see the boy, home to see the family, going out to the beach, going to sc to get my southern hospitality fix..or something of those sorts. now, with that in mind... i have come to a conclusion. a. people in va are fanatical about their license plates (semi annoying) b. license plates signify some weird sense of belonging. its a physical item that ties you to your home state... or whatever state that you may now call home. as i drive i am constantly looking out for PA plates...somehow thinking that when i drive by a fellow PA'er...they are going to wave and share some sort of comfort in knowing that we are from the same state...(that never happens) but, i will say...i have not had a PA plate for a few weeks now with the purchase of my new car, and, well...i feel lost. i am no longer representing pa, or...should i say, being represented by pa. this is a weird thing for me.. mostly because a long lost friend of mine and i used to be crazzzyyy when a same state plate would pass us by...it was comforting, fun, and always interesting to check and see if you maybe by a slim chance knew the passer by on 95. (again, this never happens) anyway... now that i have this lame Maryland temp tag... i am always looking to feel connected to that pa plate.. one that will make me feel at home.. surrounded by fellow pa'ers, vs the ever so popular vanity Va plate...(really people, REALLY?!) regardless.... i miss feeling tied to my home.. but a wise woman recently said something that really stuck with me "home is where you make it, it comes from within" i'll tell ya...she is good! it is very true.. home is where you make it, and for some one who doesn't have a clue where they will end up, and only knows where they want to end up.. it is nice to know that home is where you make it..so whatever plate i end up with, i just hope that a passer by from PA recognizes "hey, i know her"...because really, to me, there is nothing more calming that feeling close to that place you will always call home.. even when you're miles away.

perfect right?
gotta love it...
i guess this one is okay... ;)
Lame MD plate, huh?! RUDE