Wednesday, May 29, 2013

wedding bliss

this post will be filled with love. filled with the memories of wedding bliss and excited shrieks that filled a beautiful house for a friend-full four days in a picture perfect setting. it will absolutely be filled with hints of ridiculousness and those little things that still make my gut hurt from the belly holding, lean over laughter. this past weekend was pure wedding bliss in all definitions of the term.

a wedding is always a perfect place to make some memories, and with my friends and a long awaited reunion involved, it was just that...perfect. 6 girls, "sisters", all together to see one of them marry the man of her dreams.

what could be better?

so as we popped pink champagne, told old stories, got a little car sick (sorry em, it's true), talked some dirt, won some sick firefly pong and cried tears of laughter... it couldn't have been better.

(maybe a little warmer, but hell..that walk down the boardwalk at 2am was perfectly warm. ---Al, we need pictures...NOW!)

insert quotes: "What's her last name? No, what's her new last name? That is her new last name!" "And truthfully she has big arms..." "Jenna, I need to talk to you because you're the only one I know who's gone too Dubai, India" "I'm not like book smart, I'm like life smart" "Stop the cocaine campaign" "Three hours ago, I was wasted as a cow"...and honestly, I couldn't even tell you who, when or how these things were even said, but if they were good enough for me to write down in a notepad, they were damn well gonna make it in here!

amongst all of the craziness that is our lives together ("there are so many things i HATE right now i can't even list them!") ... there was one thing in my wedding weekend that  rocked my gut in a different way. in a "let me stop and pause" way...

it was the speech from the priest regarding Kait and Adam's "dance". it was a presentation about communication. words on how to truly value one to talk for hours with your new partner because after all communication is what makes a love grow. it is what makes you remember what it was like in that moment. it is what makes you stronger as an individual and even stronger as a couple. as this man stood at his podium facing Kait and Adam I could barely hold back the sobs [yes, sobs] because there has never been words  i felt so valuable to be heard. communication is key and without it we fall apart. so as i personally live a separate life from my partner in crime, i can't think of another thing that i'd want to be reminded of on a day of wedding bliss. communication is what makes a dance sway with fluent uniform. sure, you might knock knees a bit, you might even trip or step on ones heels, but if you communicate, the steps become much more clear and just a bit easier to follow the others lead.

so, for something i'd never expect to be thankful for... thank you Kait and Adam for reminding me why communication is so important, and what it's like to dance with the one you'd share any song with till the end of time. i love you both! congrats!

to the other 4 of you, ya'll are crazy and i love every single one of you to death. keep raging. #soooopretty #socute

true love. the kappa kind.

best take home gifts ever. rain hats & bags!

finally snagged the bride for a pic! love!

love.. (so says the bffaeae ring)

picture perfect (no we didn't plan our outfits)

winners, obviously.

lace on lace on lace.

sara sandwich

wagon freaking wheel, obviously.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

never too old for a mom hug

it was THIS blog post that inspired me to dig in a little deeper with Mom's day right around the corner. get your tissues.
(note; written last week, posted today!)

for me, the idea is simple really... no matter the age, the state, or the person... everyone needs a mom. some are lucky to spend all their days with their mom and sometimes the moments they get to share are cut short. for those people i wish i could lend my own mom's hugs... they are some of the absolute best.

for me, i thought this blog post was perfect because it brought to light two things;

1. the grass is always greener on the other side. this is something i think everyone suffers from. whether it is being blonde with straight hair and wanting the voluminous curls of a brunette or hating the state you were in at the time only to dislike the current even more. the grass is always greener on the other side. in this instance the daughter couldn't stand her moms jokes, her moms annoying habits or the way that everyone else adored her. it could have been jealousy, immaturity or simple distaste but if one thing is evident, it is that once she was gone... she wanted nothing more than to have her back doing all of those things she once couldn't stand.

2. age. no matter the age, you will always want your mom. i at 24 know for a fact that this is the case. i know that at 30 and throwing up i will want my mom in the room next door to make me feel better with a wet wash cloth and ginger ale. i know that  my mom is at the top of my list of people who i call in the instance of a mental break down or anxiety freak out. (if not the first) i know that when i finally grow up, i will want to know how to make that casserole or those perfect chocolate chip cookies. i am confident that i will want to know how to make the baby stop crying from a temperature or how to decide which battles are worth picking.

a mom has a way with words, a special touch and just enough wisdom to make you pause and say, "thank god, for my mom", now and at any age.

I love my mom more than words in a blog could describe. i hate being hundreds of miles away especially on a holiday like today's however i am thankful she is just a phone call away. i am thankful she is as inspiring and calm in hectic times and an incredible role model during any phase in life. my mom's laughs are contagious and her back scratches are the most soothing in the world. i love my mom more today than yesterday and i am lucky to call her mine now and every day.

so thank you mom, and happy mothers day. see you soon! xxoo.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy Birthday. From me, to you.

we have shared a few Birthdays over the years. the first birthday (his) was more about me than it was about him. (oops) it was my graduation day and naturally, his day was on the back burner. as for mine, well it was at the forefront. this was something i appreciated then sure, but i appreciate it even more now. honestly, i actually don't even remember wishing him a heartfelt happy birthday or exchanging a gift, so from me to you... thank you, i love you even more just cus'.

over the past few years, we have shared our birthdays apart. a big bummer as you may have guessed. oh and well, it does not get easier with time, contrary to what they may say. over the past few years i have sent cards, gifts, text messages, emails, pictures and whatever else i could think of to try and make the day a little more special.

all things considered one message is always the same.... "i can't wait to celebrate with you soon!"
...this year, it is no different.

so, may not be a birthday dinner, a reservation for two or a a few favorite gifts wrapped nicely with ribbon (damn you amazon!). it will not be a shared beer on the porch or a fun lunch surprise.  this year, the only think i can think of that is real and right from the gut is a little post like this...

so, happy birthday big bean. i can't wait to celebrate with you soon....

Dear Joe, 
Yep, a post all about you! kinda nervous, right? (i would be too! ;)) this time you can't get mad or question my intentions. this time, it is simple. this time, i want to wish you a Happy Birthday for anyone who cares to see it. 

the past four years have not been easy, and they certainly have not always been fun. (i'm sure you'd  agree) what i can tell you about these past few years is this; they are teaching me a lot about love, life and everything in between. you are teaching me to communicate, to listen, to be patient and to breathe.  you are teaching me to remember to laugh, to smile and to cherish everything that is right in this wild world. you are the ease to my hectic mind and the calm to my crazy. 

i am thankful for our good time memories, the hellos and goodbyes every chance we get, our ever changing minds and crazy drive for nothing less than the best. you have passion that is raw and a laugh that is contagious. you are good people. i am thankful for your compassion and your stubborn pride. (no matter how tricky it can be to work with) i love the man you have grown into in just the few years i've been with you. i love who you want to be and where you want to go. i hope that your next year is even better than the last. 

i'd like to promise you a trip to Charleston, our first movie theater date and even a little Guinness in the afternoon. i'd like to promise you i'll laugh a little bit more and smile a little brighter. i'd like to promise to hug you a little tighter and hold your hand a little longer. i'd like to cheers to next year and plenty more. i'd like to wish you a happy little birthday full of big things ahead. 

from my little mountain, all the way to you.
Happy Birthday. Love Always, Beans.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

life doesn't have to be hard

We all know i love quotes. whether they are motivational or straight to the point, about love or simply about seizing the day, i absolutely can't get enough. sometimes when i find one's that completely hit home i have to write them down, print them out and stick them to my forehead. well, not really...but as close as i can get to it. maybe it's the fact that they provide that little piece of insight that i can't ever pinpoint into words to write myself, or maybe it is the cool artwork behind the quote that makes it pop? hell, maybe i just like quotes. (i pick the latter)

anyway, today i found possibly the best quote in my current mental state that i could have possibly stumbled upon. it is below. thank you to THIS blog for sharing! (totally my kinda blog!)

[insert gear change...sorda]

i also stumbled upon this video by Sara Bareilles regarding her new album. witty and fun the concept is great however it is the last part of it which hits me in my quote loving gut. (i guess she digs quotes too?)

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. ... No artist is pleased. [There is] no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others."
- Martha Graham, As quoted in video above.