Friday, January 24, 2014

Goodnight Prayers

Every night before I fall asleep I try and say my goodnight prayers. They usually go in the order of Praise, Repent, Anyone, You (PRAY). A little trick an old friend taught me years ago in an effort to provide some direction about "how to pray". Now, years later...I try every night to p.r.a.y. however it's from days like today and from coffee at 5 PM that never allows a mind to settle and a prayer to finish silently leading to a soundless sleep. So, now... I sit. Snores up the hall, lights on in the bathroom and a fire smoldering as it fades...

If I were able to actually say my good night prayers tonight...they'd go something like this;
I praise God for the blessings I have, the family that keeps me sane and the health of myself and the loved ones I cherish. I'm thankful that Pop is home from the hospital and that I've had a blessed weekend thus far with friends and family. I praise God for safe travels for my Dad no matter where he goes and a strong willed Mom through tough times and such positive vibes a brother could ever provide. I'd then pray for forgiveness for being slightly too judgmental, stressed out and negative. I'd ask that I have more patience and take more deep breaths. Then, I'd pray long and hard for my Nan and family dealing with the everyday loss of a Husband, Dad and grandfather. I'd pray for smiles and safety for a best friend hundreds of miles away and for the health and happiness of family and friends alike, no matter where they are. Then, last but not least I'd pray for a safe rest of the weekend, a smooth drive home and an even better week ahead. I'd finish with an Amen and hopefully drift to sleep.

However, like I said too late, good music and loud firecrackers next door make that a little tough I sit and reflect just a little bit on what's behind me, what I have and what is  ahead. Life can be a tricky place and absolutely full of headaches and heartache but I can only hope that each good nights prayers bring positive energy and plenty of blessings to me and mine all the sleepless nights ahead.