Monday, October 10, 2011

the things no one wants to admit

Regrets. everyone has them. i don't care you who are, you have regrets. if you say you don't you're least to yourself. whether they are big or small.. life altering or just one of those things. for some reason, i feel if i write mine out, and then the thoughts i have there after...i will accomplish something. #random, i know. so here goes nothing...

1. i regret i graduated early and missed my spring semester senior year at Carolina....however, i have a job.
2. i regret that i enhanced a tattoo that i got with my mom after hs...however, every time i look at my hip i think of her, and how all things in life change over time, kind of like our has only gotten better and i still love her to the moon and back. i am nothing in this world, or universe even, without her. 
3. i regret that i did not sing more...however, i can still sing any day or night for no one but myself and still get the same amount of enjoyment.
4. i regret that i was not more involved with Kappa....however, i made some of the best girlfriends i could have ever been blessed with. Al, Em, Kate, Kait, and Jenna...i love you no matter the miles.
5. i regret that i didn't go out more on the weekends in college...however, staying in with my roommates gave me more memories to take with me than i ever would have had in nights i wouldn't remember anyway downtown.
6. i regret that i didn't speak my mind to a friend i lost a long time ago...however, a friendship will last forever.
7. i regret that i didn't/don't smile more...however, those who love me most know that a sense of sarcastic bitchiness is just who i am..take it, leave it or even love it.
8. i regret that i didn't spend more time with my brother while i was home...however, i now cherish the times we do have, and the memories we can make more than ever.
9. i regret that i never played golf...however, it is never to late to really start...for some reason i feel like i'd be damn good.
10. to be determined... as i know they'll be more, but if my howevers are as positive as what is above, i'm not in that bad of shape.

hmm, that felt good. well, goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. love the new look...and love the shoutout. i regret not seeing your pretty face every day!!
