Monday, October 17, 2011

family tree

family is good. here is why; you are cut from the same mold which means you are bound to have something in common and in my case... it is a little more than we both may have bargained for. my aunt and i are similar in personality, in tendencies, in character and well, in pretty much all aspects of life. we both get irritable easily, we both work hard and we both love even harder, which i am sure is in thanks to a mom and grandmother alike if you ask me. this woman is one of the special few i look up too, and some one who i thank god is my aunt and not yours. she means well, is funny, and always classy...even if she thinks otherwise. we think similarly, stress alike, and sometimes struggle with god only knows what in the same manner. 

for some one who keeps it all together like myself, as well as my aunt [insert pat on the back here]... we tend to have some...well, lets call them flaws (don't judge). but, if i have realized anything after a phone conversation like ours... it is always good to have someone else on your side of the fence that isn't your mom, your best friend, or even your boyfriend... yet someone who is part of the roots of the tree and who will always, no matter what, be a saving grace in any dark moment, no stress needed that everyone needs even just a little bit of every now and again.

i have learned some very important things tonight; 
1. belly breathing, a must try. 
2. all anxiety comes from negativity. it takes some sort of negative mind set to be as sarcastic and hilarious, well slightly out of line at times as myself... and my aunt. 
3. think positively before going to bed. thank god for everything good in life, or even for simply not providing the bad. everything can be turned into a positive. 
4. remember that you don't have to have the best clothes, the best hair, be the most in shape at the gym, or even have the best attitude, you just have to be you. 
5. there is something bigger 
6. control is state of mind, and you simply can't always have it. 
7. resist any urge to be tough on yourself. accept the good stuff
8. being religious is more than church. it is a mind set, and it is achievable.
9. family is sweeter when its stronger.
10. i have the coolest aunt "this side of the Mississippi" (and yes in order to spell that i sang the M - I - S - S - I - S - S - I - P - P - I song)

pretty good right? i think so too. so with a new found sense of reality, and a hopeful heart one can always try a little harder to make the good things in life a little better, and the bad things in life a little less of a bummer. and if anything, it is always good to know i have got another someone special on my side who might just be as crazy as i am... no pun intended.

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