Tuesday, October 2, 2012


what makes Christmas special? What about Easter? Or, is it just that third Wednesday of every month? 
easy for me to answer that one.... it has to be tradition. tradition makes ordinary holidays, or events, extraordinary... special even. 

what is special about tradition itself is that it doesn't need to be grand mom's 100 year old recipe for that big dinner or your dad's old record on repeat that makes something special. tradition is something that can be created, started, and molded into what you desire it to be at any moment. sure, there is something more special or unique about that little something you have always done that makes that day different, or allows you to always recall it as your favorite memory. however, it is through evolution of time, relationships and season that traditions can be born again.

fairly exciting right?

when i think about traditions i am immediately drawn to being a child and waiting. i think about Christmas ...the absolute epitome for tradition. i recall Christmas morning and having to wait until 8:30 am. no matter the age my brother would wake at dawn, a time of which he would rarely see...well ever any other day of the year. it is tradition that he sit, he wait and we watch the clock. at 8:30 am we were simply allowed downstairs however only able to look, not touch. no touching until coffee was made. no. matter. what.  So as A Christmas Story played on the background (another tradition in itself) we would wait...
as i recall the holidays i think of a more recent tradition. thanksgiving muddling season. yep, you've got it.   Old Fashions. Beam, Cherries, Oranges, Sugar and...a muddler. thanksgiving day of course brings thanksgiving night, which ultimately always, brings Old Fashions AND A Christmas Vacation. A perfect holiday tradition if you ask me.
so what about tradition on non holidays? easy. growing up Tuesday nights were a tradition in itself. it was Me, Dad and the baby brother. More so me and dad. It was dinner (sloppy joes), it was Hangin' With Mr. Cooper, then warm baths, followed by freezing exits, Full House and a do-nut, or whatever dessert special was in store. Tuesdays were tradition. always will be. 

everyone has traditions that are special to them. some more valuable than others. some more grand than the one the year before however no matter the motive or action, it is what the tradition brings to a persons spirit, or memory that is important. being able to create new traditions excites me to be whoever i'll be as the years go on. so sure as a wife i'd love to start a few and as a mom i know i'll have plenty but i can only hope that each is as special as the one before, but never as valuable as the next. 

Some Hopeful Tradition Ideas:
Christmas Eve Surprise Box. Include: new pajamas, Christmas movie, popcorn, mugs, hot chocolate, marshmallows, Christmas book.

Making a cup of tea before work for your loved one every Friday. Even if you have different schedules.

A Christmas cookie exchange or an ornament exchange among long distance friends.

First day of school picture. EVERY year.

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