Friday, October 5, 2012

a suggestion

everyone (i hope) has those songs that just hit them...ya know, gives them goosebumps. 

i couldn't tell you specifically what song, but i remember on multiple occasions running errands with my dad on the weekends in the summer while growing up. windows down, always. he would have a certain song on, one that i probably at the time hated...or still do. regardless, these songs weren't played all the time but when they were there was something that i would always notice. goosebumps. my dad would literally get goosebumps at a certain part of the song.

i, i have absolutely inherited that trait. thankfully. 

songs that give you goosebumps can change your mood in a second. they change your perspective of the day, or at least the morning, afternoon or night. they are far and few between but when they are heard...i assure you goosebumps never felt so great. 

now, this brings me to another point. are you a lyrics person or are you a music (in the literal sense) person? if you HAD to pick, what would it be?....think about it, don't worry you don't need to tell me, and honestly... i don't want you too. it's a personal thing really, a preference. keep it that way. 

anyway, the song's that give me goosebumps, well, they have both the lyrics and the sound. (sorry!) i'm not a writer, a poet or even an artist. i enjoy singing, i have a blog and i work hard...that's about it. but what i do know is that songs that have a build in both volume (crescendo) and emotion ("pre-chorus", "pre-hook", "b-section", "lift") give me goosebumps. i almost always save these songs for the car and right from the beginning...i 

turn up the volume, sit back and wait for it. wait for the goosebumps, which crazy 
enough...happen every. single. time. pretty cool right? i think so too. 

my suggestion would be go listen to that song that gives you goosebumps. turn the volume

up and wait for it. it won't disappoint. i assure you.

and just because i'm sure you are all wondering what gives me goosebumps...The Great Escape. P!nk. (don't  knock it until you try it my friends)


2:50 minutes in is that "pre-hook" i spoke of. 

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