Monday, April 23, 2012

Manic Monday

Just another manic monday right?

sure, there are ups and there are certainly downs..because well, that's just how mondays are...and shortly after the blog post i'll be ready to say goodnight. one day down and one day closer to my wonderful weekend with momma..

but, the real reason to share is pretty simple...

almost two and a half years ago Joe picked me up from the airport. I was a senior in college and he was working at the center. it was long distance bliss. we had seen each other ever so often and when visits occurred, vacation wasn't ever really n e e d e d like it can be now a days. so anyway...winter break, i think? and it was a bumpy flight. Cola to ATL, ATL to PHL.. probably after a long layover or delay, because honestly, that's always my luck. i think i hopped off the plane in a thin long sleeve, jeans and flops. simply forgetting the fact that dorothy wasn't in kansas anymore...wait wait, i mean.. it wasn't 70 and sunny, and i wasn't in Cola any more. no, no... it was frigid and i could absolutely see my breath. although...i don't remember being all that cold, because well...i was about to jump off the plane and hop in a warm car, with an even warmer heart.

the pick up was sweet. simple, but sweet. and then came the hour and 10 minute (exactly) drive home... around Mcdade Blvd he reached behind my seat... i absolutely thought nothing of it... and to my surprise, a gift! an understated simple back box with a thin ribbon... very sexy wrapping if i do say so myself. i remember looking up and over at him and thinking, what in the hell!? this has absolutely NEVER happened before. shit, i got surprise gifts from my mom every once in a while, or a love filled note from my best friend..but a gift, from a boy, for nothing. i was instantly intrigued. slyly smirking i un-tied the ribbon, pulled open the tissue and to my surprise a cashmere sweater...yes, beautiful even though to this day i'm sure he thinks i thought otherwise...but, that wasn't the best part...

on the side was a little box. it was black. small white lettering with an emblem. a BR for Banana Republic... interested i slid open the case. a candle... now, here is the greatest part. that candle lasted me through college, through moving home, and through two years on my own. its scent was intoxicating, one that i have never ever been able to find again... it smelled like our relationship (in a symbolic way of course if you get what i am saying..) you see, it smelled like him and i in one...sure, sounds nuts but it was earthy yet scintillating and in that moment... it was the best moment i had ever shared with him, and quite honestly..ever have. it's the little things and on that note it was a beautiful start to a wonderful break.

so today, on this manic monday i stopped by target to grab some dinner.. well, because it was a total ben and jerry's pizza and a solo movie kind of night. on my way out i stopped by the decor (in typical sara fashion) and stumbled upon a candle...sure, not THE candle...but the exact. same. scent. i purchased it immediately. i bought it simply because it smelled just like that car ride home years back... and that is a perfect memory to hold on too if you ask me.

Black Orchid and Amber - Target

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