Sunday, April 22, 2012


hypothetical. got it?

what makes you feel safe? you know, what makes you feel secure with who you are, what you do and how far you have come? is it your salary or your families praises? what about the boyfriend you have been with since the beginning of time or is it the hairdresser you have been going to because, well, you're a control freak and going somewhere else would be nuts. what about your job, is that what makes you feel safe?

there are so many variables in ones life that we have little to no control over, and it comes to down either trusting that what you have is good...enough. or, taking a leap of faith on just about, nothing that may be better. would it be smart to continue with the challenges you face on a daily basis and the questions that you have when you go to bed every night or.. is it taking a risk in the unknown, because with risk...comes reward. see example a.
example a;
work for the company you have been in order to meet ends meet, pay the bills and make sure that you are following through with what you had set out to do in college. ya know, what is expected of you. sure, you might be better off doing something else...but having the right amount of money in your pocket, the tasks that you are comfortable with and the policies that you can manage seem right. not to mention, that a jump of well, anything else would be...crazy. and by who's standards? your own. slightly ironic right?

and honestly, all of this is kind of funny to me.. i tend to admire those who marry young, are carefree, and who move at the drop of a "will you follow me?" I admire the availability, the open-ness and the drive. not the drive like i have..ya know to be successful, pay my bills, make my parents proud and support..well whoever and whatever i choose. but, the d r i v e to set out to do something different and to chase what is actually important. family, friends, love, laughter, memories made and aspirations. so at what age is it okay, and well acceptable to do such things... not be so safe, and well.. slip down a slippery slope, because well've tried everything else on and it didn't fit just right? at what moment can you wake up, look up to the ceiling and realize you might not have it all figured out..but, you have the safe on your right, a window and sunshine on your left and an open agenda ahead. inciting if you ask me...but, then again, hypothetical at best.

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