Wednesday, November 2, 2011

short and sweet...very very sweet

home for the wedding festivities was full of memories. good ones. first there was the rehearsal, great times, great food and fun had by all... and then there was the wedding day, of course never a dull moment thanks to mother nature, and lastly an absolutely romantic evening filled and followed by fun...some maybe having a little too much ;)...
aside from all that wedding bliss i learned a few things on this weekend that are slightly unrelated, a little bit random, and well..perfectly me. here goes.

1. i dont have enough serotonin in my brain....don't ask.
2. my camera is difficult to use in dark lit areas..alot of blurry photos makes a very frustrated photographer.
3. i love getting dressed really dressed up.
4. i can drive in the snow, and i panic when doing so.
5. i do not like gummy flavored vodka, at all.
6. i have a very handsome boyfriend, especially in a suit.
7. i am surrounded by great family and close family friends.
8. i have the best best friend in the world. be jealous. very jealous.
9. my beds' new sheets are the perfect cure for any bad day
10. i dont like halloween - no news there...although my pumpkin carving skils...legit.

so like i said, fairly random..but a good mix of my thoughts over the past few days.. looking forward to a busy basketball week, (it's baaaackk) and maybe a little cooking. scones for sure again. SO GOOD, and maybe some granola as well... other than that.. gotta find some new ideas.. something not so big, the whole huge casserole thing.. not workin' for me. welp, pictures and thoughts are sure to follow.


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