Tuesday, November 8, 2011


okay, take your shoes off...now, put your neighbors shoes on... tie the laces, or wrap 'em up tight. feel anything different? (work with me people, its a metaphor) so, do ya? .... probably not, but here is the point; it is always very important to put yourself in other peoples shoes, or if not another persons shoes literally, at least in someone else's mindset. ask yourself, what would i do differently? would i have laughed at another's misfortune or would i have extended my hand to help them up after a fall? what motivates me? what would motivate me if i was in a different situation? what if all of my blessings weren't there to call my own, and instead i was full of hardship after hardship, and lesson after lesson...would i be more humble? or would i just work harder, because after all with hard work comes reward, right? personally, i have found that during the many moments of sara spastic nature, putting myself in another's shoes tends to not only remind me of what is important but it brings me back to earth and in turn motivates me to do better.

i try and think like this sometimes. it isn't always easy, and i'll be the first person to say that i can be rather negative. i usually am the first one that tries to laugh it off or hold a bitter grudge...but, if i was given a different deck of cards, say i was sick like so many,or hungry...and i mean starving, or i was put right back in that hospital room during Christmas two years back with a very unhealthy dad with a different turn out, and an even more scared mom.... would things like this in life motivate me the way they do now? no, because everyone gets up, and gets their kicks from some different. but, it is because of things learned along the way that we each find new reason to take an extra step, or learn a little more. its important to be true to ones self, but remember that there are plenty things in life that are too precious to control, too big to grab hold of. so, in order to deal with whatever comes your way, in whatever shoes you have on i think it is important to have an open mind... and for me, to try and find motivation in the not so obvious.

1. Be Thankful - it can always be worse. always. you could be hungry, you could be sick, you could be homeless, and well, you could not have any shoes at all...

2. You cannot change others, you can only change yourself. you should be positive, and with that others will follow. manage up, and time will tell.
3. Don't give up, its too expensive to quit. hard work does pay off, be proud and be true to you.
4. Even when you think they won't, family will always support you. the good ones anyway.
5. Health should NOT be taken for granted. if you have bad genes, be healthy. life is short.
6. Weather. Rain, Snow, Fall, and Summer, because... God is good, and things so simple are the most beautiful. look around every once in a while... because hell, some can't even see at all. sad right?
7. Others - a healthy desire to be fit, or flattered can only make you feel better if in moderate dose. a healthy you is a better you. a better you is a confident you.

8. Parents. A good marriage, one that is built on love, trust and passion through tribulation.
9. A comfy bed. Yes, a good bed will motivate any stressful day.
10. A good friend. Quality friendship will always motivate you to be a better person, therefore a better friend in return. give and you shall receive. 

Now, put your own shoes back on, but remember to keep the simple things in mind... this is something i urge because it can get a little hectic sometimes. people can be mean, family can be rough, and bosses can be tough. but, if you are thankful, and motivated to do more, do better, and be more kind, good things have to come in time, and you know what.... if they don't, it's okay too..you just need to remember to breathe. take it from me, because hey we all won't be able to breathe forever. "today is a gift, that's why they call it a present."

1 comment:

  1. I'm a fan of this post. :) Thanks for the help tonight
