Monday, August 8, 2011

work and money

money makes the world go round.. its not love, no matter how much one would like to believe, or even family and friends.. its not world peace, and it sure ain't selfless acts of endearment or courage by those who live in this crazy universe. its money. disagree? try me...
I work 40 hours a week (in the summer)... try about twice that during the season and make average money for a 22/ 23 yr old this Sunday ( i'd like to think so anyway, although its a known fact that those in sport and entertainment work maximum hours for minimum concerts are worth it, right??! uhhh).. and let me tell ya... my life revolves around money. its a sad sad thing isn't it? i don't splurge on shopping, or food. walmart gets a $100 a month or so from me for groceries. i don't like to drive to the places i love, solely based on the cost of gas. i pay bills like my bank account is on a time sensitive bomb, and i cringe when my account dips below something i feel less than comfortable about. i am probably not alone on this note either... am i?
this has to be normal for people in their young twenties.. something i talked about a few weeks back.. the love affair of being in the young twenties, young, in love....and broke. fun!... so hopefully (also like mentioned before) you get to a point where money isn't what makes YOUR world go round. i look forward to that. where trips aren't as stressful, parties aren't a pain to plan, and little joys in life are not shadowed by the bill that is sure to follow.
so, my plan until then... splurge on things far and few between.. always buy coffee with a friend when you have the opportunity, and laugh a little.. having a good bf helps too ;) be thankful you have a job (a fun one at that) and soak up the stuff that's free.. the beach, the thunderstorms, long hot showers (we don't pay for water), a good sunrise and a breath taking sunset... the company of good friends,and the hopeful insight that the world is not always about the greed of money or the need for always wanting more... if i remind myself of that.. i stress a little less, because hey.. at 22/23... i'm not doing too bad...

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