Tuesday, August 9, 2011

back to school...

i read a friend of mines wall post this am on the way out of the gym... Christina, if you're reading this.. thanks for being the inspiration for this little diddy ;) anyway, her cousin is starting her first day of college today... the wonderful world of college... from what i read she is attending UGA.. land of the bulldogs.. it ain't to carolina.. bc afterall, we all keep cryin carolina years after the fun has faded... but i couldn't help but think.. that girl is about to embark on the time of her life.. literally.. the.time.of.her.life, and i on the other hand am so jealous.
college was one of those things that is tough to explain. its more than just living on your own, partying, easy classes and fun football games. for me it was a time to grow up, a time to live and lose, and make some of the best friends i could imagine... i found a place that i love and am more passionate about than any other thing in my life. i cry when i cross the sc state line, and i crave (or "cwave") till the day i can be there even if just for a weekend of bliss.

freshman year was great..little awkward, but never missed a beat... it was full of Kappa Kraziness and fun with the boys.. it was beer, early friday classes and attempting to keep up with that whole gym thing. sophomore  year was probably one of the best.. well.. that's not true, they were all the best.. but sophomore year was full of some crazy parties, some hilarious memories and a true to heart great time. it was best friends, it was football and it was literally one of those years that could have lasted forever. junior year was when thing started to fall into place, i had my friends, i knew my professors, i was a little more cocky and i loved carolina even more. kappa was strong, and life was fun. time was limited, and i made sure to live to the fullest laugh my ass off and love every second of it. my roomates were my blood every day in and day out and i wouldnt have changed it for the world. senior year i was robbed. i decided to end early, and do my last spring semester in philly for my internship.. sure, i now have a job because of it.. but i missed college baseball, spring sc air, and lazy class days by the pool... sigh...
anyway, as i think about Christina's cousin, i can only wish that she lives every second to the fullest.. i am not going back to school to GKODB, or stop at sonic at 3 am, or cram for exams, or to feel the rush of SEC football.. and take in the rays at a carolina ball game...instead.. i am working, living, and trying to laugh just a fraction of what i did two years ago. but to those who get to take it all in again for yet another year, or even another semester. live it.love it. and go cocks.
 how bout' them gamecocks...
 WE ARE KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA... GIRLS ARE WE.... (have fun at rush ladies...)
oh freshman year...

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