Sunday, May 20, 2012


summer time is one of those times of year where your skin shimmers, your heart can flutter and your mind can wander. it is a season that no matter where you are, what time it is or who you are with, inhibitions can be left to the wind, smiles are stronger and music is better heard loud. drinks are more delicious if they are frosted, and well, a starlit sky serves as the best blanket.

to me summer is all of these those and more. sure, i'd be a liar if i said summer was the only season that made me feel the ways i'm about to describe, but i will let you know that my feelings are a little brighter in this time of year... now that i live in florida, and summer is no longer a season but a way of life, i'm anxious to see what i can come up with.

as a little girl i remember my dad cutting the grass, coming in for an ice cold water (or beer) and standing in front of the sink looking out the window with grass filled sneakers (sorry mom). i remember running around in an over sized t shirt and wet hair after a warm bath with windows open and a breeze that was incredibly intoxicating. shortly after Full House, came bed time... but bed time in  the summertime was never a favorite. bed? when it was light out? what?! never!

as a teenager, my sweetest summer memories were had. it was working shifts at The Perk, followed by friend filled bonfires. it was hometown and as pure as summer could get. stress was something that could be easily wiped away after a run down 7th or a game under the bright lights. summer then was something that took no effort at all and simply stood still. the way a real summer should, well because... summer's, good ones, should never, and will never end.

next came college.. "the almost over summer". the i miss my friends from home, yet know what's best summer if you will, the "i'll remember that night forever" summer. and, looking back, it was one of the few i'll remember the most of. it was humid, and when working in "the dogs mouth of the south" you didn't expect anything less. full of hostessing shifts, southern boys, bow ties and lakes. it was an internship class and bar top drinking were always on the agenda. it was fast and it was necessary. summers in college were still but only if you wanted them to be, and well, fast enough if you could just hold on long enough to enjoy the ride. summer in college was short (too short)

i have found that summers are sweet, and will only be as still as you let it. summers now can be just the same as they were years ago if given the opportunity. so tonight, on the way home from work i snapped a mental picture of what was the perfect image of what summer should and could be. it was a silent campus. it was a setting sun and it was an empty parking lot. it was one car and a couple. they were leaning on one another and enjoying that perfect summer kiss. pure summer bliss.  so in my attempt to share that mental image, i got the response "we still have them babe :)" and well, that means there must be more summer dream scenes to come.

Today, when I think about summer... I listen, closely, to this... CLICK.

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