Monday, March 12, 2012


i have a complex... well, a few. i have been in multiple meetings with multiple people since my time here in Florida. they normally go something like this; get in the bosses car, drive to the appt or get to the conference room. sit down. wait. watch as 3-4 men walk in. stand up. introduce myself, shake their hand. sit down. wait. watch as 2 more men and one woman walk in. stand up, introduce and sit down... conduct meeting, listen, sit back, nod my head, ask no questions, run through my agenda, make a joke or two. end the meeting.

now... with all of that said lets talk about this complex. first off, i am young. duh. lets say 24 because, well that helps my complex, and when surrounded by a staff of 30 something dudes, or men for professional terms.. it can be, well, ugh..blah. no fun jokes, no laughing or coffee runs.

so, that leads to my next complex. what the hell is up with all the men? now, like i've said before... i am not a feminist, and women have a place in business just as men do..but being young and a woman.. uh, let me say this... if ONE MORE dude, or gentleman, shakes my hand like a FAIRY... i may or may not punch them in the gut right on the spot. so... look at my face, not by boobs, don't crack jokes about my outfit, and well.. if you can come in and lean back in your chair and swivel through the whole meeting... you better bet that i will as well. don't interrupt me before i can even make a point, and certainly don't the one other chick off either... that is what makes a complex that much worse.

so, sure... respect needs to be earned. it needs to worked on, and well if you don't receive it... the efforts to get it can and will make you seem like a bitch...oops. what a fine line we walk eh?

so, here is to successful meetings, running a department... a good one at that, and to having less of a complex or two as time goes on. one can wish.

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