Monday, December 5, 2011


there is something different, something special about the holidays. its a time where you think about all of things you are thankful for, you think about those you love, and those that have lost. you think about the good, the bad and all that is to come. those that have faltered have a new found hope for the future, and those that have been blessed continue to thank those who got them there. there is something different in the air, different in the eyes of loved ones, and something different about the meaning of love. its amazing that the holidays, the few weeks out of the year are a time where so many things can come to the forefront of ones mind...things that one should be thankful for all year around...but hey a few weeks out of the year is better than nothing.

so we give not to receive, but just to give. we don't expect much...well except for the brats, and we don't dare complain about seeing family... at least not in my house. family is a blessing because not all are lucky to have it, and gifts, well, that shouldn't never should matter. so this holiday i hope for the best. sure its a little shorter than i'd like because of work..but i'll tell you what, being able to look at the lights, smell the brisk air, and dress with a little bit of a sparkle is nice, no matter who its for...even if its for the one in the mirror. 

the holidays are a different time, so i urge those to go out and take a look around at the lights, drive by the houses you wish you'll live in one day and gawk at the decor, tell those you love them...even if you've told them already, buy a little something for those you care about, and yes, a card counts too. listen to music...loud, and bake a little something sweet, because no time is better than christmas time.

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