Monday, March 25, 2013

the jacket

Roanoke weekend; extended version took place these past few days (is still taking place as i currently sit in Joe's office waiting for a flight back down) and it was absolutely wonderful.

there is something special about getting to see your friends, family and of course your significant other after a few months time which always makes the time spent a little more valuable and a lot more memorable.

amongst the Carrie Underwood meet and greet, the trying of new tastes around town, a quick visit from family, errands, snow (a lot of freaking snow) and a whole lot of laughs there was one part of the weekend that will be most memorable.

now, i realize this could be pretty gutsy to say considering the amount of money and/or time and effort that went into making my little concert experience in the front row one for the books however, when it comes down to it what might have been the best part was also absolutely as free as could be.

and well, it was the jacket.

coming for warm sunny Florida bringing a jacket really wasn't one of those things that i wanted to pack, nor do i even really keep. i did however while packing and prepping think "hmmm, i really should tell him to bring me a jacket when he picks me up" but thoughts like that seem to go in and then out as quick as they came.  fast forward through a bumpy flight and walking off the plane, my first thought was dammit! i definitely should have told him to bring that jacket! (those breezeways are very cold!)

quickly i ran through the terminal in an effort to warm up and await pick up. (easily the most exciting thing after a few months apart) as he pulled up i noticed something in the seat....he brought my jacket. the one i said nothing to him about. the one that i really secretly wished he would remember to bring. and well... he did.

sure, some may say that i'm nuts but for me, it meant a lot. to me it meant that he was thinking of me before i arrived. it meant that he took the few extra steps to make sure i was comfortable.

when it comes to relationships... it is the little things that make a big difference and this weekend, little things made a big difference. (thanks, big bean)