Monday, March 25, 2013

the jacket

Roanoke weekend; extended version took place these past few days (is still taking place as i currently sit in Joe's office waiting for a flight back down) and it was absolutely wonderful.

there is something special about getting to see your friends, family and of course your significant other after a few months time which always makes the time spent a little more valuable and a lot more memorable.

amongst the Carrie Underwood meet and greet, the trying of new tastes around town, a quick visit from family, errands, snow (a lot of freaking snow) and a whole lot of laughs there was one part of the weekend that will be most memorable.

now, i realize this could be pretty gutsy to say considering the amount of money and/or time and effort that went into making my little concert experience in the front row one for the books however, when it comes down to it what might have been the best part was also absolutely as free as could be.

and well, it was the jacket.

coming for warm sunny Florida bringing a jacket really wasn't one of those things that i wanted to pack, nor do i even really keep. i did however while packing and prepping think "hmmm, i really should tell him to bring me a jacket when he picks me up" but thoughts like that seem to go in and then out as quick as they came.  fast forward through a bumpy flight and walking off the plane, my first thought was dammit! i definitely should have told him to bring that jacket! (those breezeways are very cold!)

quickly i ran through the terminal in an effort to warm up and await pick up. (easily the most exciting thing after a few months apart) as he pulled up i noticed something in the seat....he brought my jacket. the one i said nothing to him about. the one that i really secretly wished he would remember to bring. and well... he did.

sure, some may say that i'm nuts but for me, it meant a lot. to me it meant that he was thinking of me before i arrived. it meant that he took the few extra steps to make sure i was comfortable.

when it comes to relationships... it is the little things that make a big difference and this weekend, little things made a big difference. (thanks, big bean)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Shout Out

so completely random and just a bit of a shout out for this Friday AM.... Mallory a forever sister from Kappaland continues to inspire me and i'm sure hundreds of others with her simple truth, fun loving nature and hard work and passion for everything better for you.

Mallory and I have had some laughs but it is always funny how when you graduate you seem to connect with people that you were never that close with during the time you actually spent together. probably because the haze of drinks, plenty of class work and of course the boys were enough to keep anyone busy at Carolina. [just sayin'] [go cocks]

it is fascinating for me to watch those i spent time with in different stages of my life experience theirs through a looking glass. in a world of social media, blogging, instagram and everything else it creates a perfect excuse to catch up with a kappaland sister, connect with old friends from HS, or any of those "coulda shoulda" been besties along the way. through this medium you of course learn a little bit about growing up and that chances're not alone in your hectic efforts of figuring it all out.

CLICK HERE to check out Mallory's adorable blog. she writes about healthy living styles, her adorable #laboftheday Layla and plenty of other young twenties' favorite things!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

so now what?

decisions are tough to make when you are an adult. they propose difficult conversations, followed by difficult silences.

what is it about getting older that removes the idea of being carefree? what is it about being older where suddenly things are much harder and people are much less likely to risk falling backwards, ultimately trusting that they would be caught. when is the switch? at what moment does it flip?

what is it about letting go of the "what ifs" and the "i wonders" which ultimately stunt your growth? sure, you still grow and learn...but what is it about being older that holds us back from attacking what we want with vigor and passion? why is it so hard to steer your own ship and set sail to where you know you want to be?

maybe it is just the wobbly spot, or maybe it is a lack of a spiritual relationship that seems to guide so many? maybe it is lack of control and the anxiety that follows? maybe it is the simple state of fear?
fear of the unknown, fear of letting others down, fear of letting yourself down and ultimately, the fear of failure.

what is it about being young, dumb and in love, yet guarded and in the corner of the ring anticipating the big hit? know; the knockout.

i did a brainstorm at work the other day... we threw around a big ball with questions on them. whatever question your thumb landed on you needed to answer. simple right? 

my question; what is the best age? 

first off, i simply laughed upon catching because after all, i was the one that thought of this exercise in the first place. i anxiously awaited in hopes someone would answer this question to provide some "wiser" insight. welp, so much for that thought...regardless, the best answer didn't come from me. it afterwards came from a co-worker. she said, 10 years old. "at 10 years old you are carefree, you are stress-less and you don't know responsibility." pretty good i thought... however, i would have said 35. i say that because you have made a name for yourself professionally, you are comfortable with your mistakes and you have grown from them. you own something whether it is a house, a car, or a really really really nice bag and at 35 you're closer to having it figured out. you're closer to being able to say "when i was your age" versus "i can sympathize". point is, you did it. as an independent woman, you. did. it. 

in so many words i'm sure the post is no different than a few of my others but the concept still remains and well, time is ticking. 

Monday, March 11, 2013


i'd love to travel. to pack up, pick up and hit the road. (and not the forever kind. not the pack your bags, pictures and furniture. the find a new apartment, pay all your start up bills and move out kind. just to clarify.)

sure, i may not enjoy flying for simple lack of control and i don't necessarily even enjoy the inconveniences of delays or traffic jams but one thing is sure; it is exciting. it is refreshing and most of all it is rejuvenating. and well, i'm pretty confident that everyone needs a little bit of traveling in their lives.

the negative side of me would say well "weekends are never long enough" or "flights are just too expensive" and sure, these things are all very true but right about now... i could use a little travel myself.

i am thankful for the trips i have planned coming to up regain my sanity. seriously, i think i'm going crazy. roanoke for a long overdue hug from the boy has never looked sweeter (it's the little things, i swear) and MAM in Myrtle is the perfect medicine for my ever passionate itch. so whether it be for the company, the crowds or the "work"... i can't wait to travel.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Sunday brings the close of a great weekend. jam packed with flyers, phillies a little mix of local flavor, poor eating habits, laughs and plenty more... i miss it already! having visitors is always fun and i am so thankful for this past weekends trip takers; Mom and Ev!

there is something special about having a piece of home make the long trip down to spend some much needed time together.

so, thank you mom and ev! i love and miss you already. xxoo.