Wednesday, August 14, 2013

25 meets crazy meets opportunity

It hasn't been easy, it absolutely hasn't been easy. However, the decisions I make are mine and they are passionate in every meaning of the word.

I could find pages and pages of quotes that speak about living your life, being happy, takings risks and loving the life you make. They are mostly about happiness and how challenges make you stronger or not to have regrets. for some one who absolutely loves quotes, my recent decisions can not be made because a quote on a block of wood, a sign or on a screen says it's going to be okay. there is not a quote in the world that can look at you back in the mirror and tell you that you made a mistake, that you are taking a risk that is too big or that you are absolutely crazy... in every meaning of the word.

I am 25 and in two weeks I won't have an office to hang my diploma in. I'm 25 and may be not where I thought I'd be at this moment but what I do know is that "life is what happens when you're trying to make a living" and that is one quote that could not be more true. I am 25 and surrounded by support... support that I never thought would be there even if I planned it to be that way. I am 25 and opportunity is at my door. I am 25 making a life AND a living and for me, that is what after 25 years, I have learned is most important.

When I think about that word "opportunity" I think about it in the professional and personal definition. Professionally, I know that my skills will lead me to doors that I am fully capable of opening - a challenge that I am willing to accept.  I know that hard work, perseverance and support will open the doors I want badly enough. Confidence is key. Personally I think about being able to drive home to see family in an afternoon, literally 1 afternoon. I think about seeing my Dad's gigs, attending family parties, weekends at the mountains and beach excursions. I think about attending Carolina football games or making snacks for the road games while sitting on the couch with company (an actual human!). I think about sitting on a porch, in the fall, with coffee and seeing the boy on the other end of the table and thinking..."finally". It makes my heart light and my shoulders even lighter, and for me that is something I haven't felt in a very very long time. 

Opportunity is at my door and I am staring the challenge in the face. Opportunity is a word most commonly used by optimists, considering the origin. I am not an optimist. I am a realist and some my even say a pessimist but at this time in my life, at 25 years young... i have never seen opportunity like this.

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