i asked myself, what makes an impression, and what is the difference between an impression and a lasting impression? i found myself imagining people that have made impressions in my life. good, bad, indifferent and well, lasting. i came to the conclusion that those who make lasting impressions don't need to be friends, family or even past lovers. they can be children and even strangers. it could be something as simple as a facial expression, or an action that has the potential to leave its mark on your heart and head, forever.
mine range from friends and kind words that have been shared, to images of family when saying good bye in the driveway or freshman dorm. they consist of those who spoke words of justice in time of despair to actions of kindness in stress. there is an abundance of people and memories i can attribute who and what i am thankful for today, all because of an impression made, and chances are without any thought at all.
it can be interesting to actually take the time out of ones day, or even during that time of the day where you are winding down after a long day at work and actually think about the people that are around you. think about their lives, their differences, their preferences, their impressions. it is because of this that i feel like we are a little like gypsies during this little thing called life.. give it a second, and let me explain...
you have the young professionals, those in the military, or even those on the other end of the spectrum, song artists. these will all find themselves floating around from city to city, to state to state... now, with that in mind...it is incredible to think about all of the impressions one can make, or one has had and will have in their life. simple instances that someone chooses to remember someone or something by...
a lyric i know puts it like this ...."maybe my version of the truth is just a lie, a million perfect moments go rushin through my brain, every time i smell october you were standin in the rain, when you looked over your shoulder, baby you can choose, to remember me however you want to, but, that's how i'll remember you"
now to me, this says it simply perfect.. you have some one who has a memory of someone who has made a lasting impression. the life-like part about all of this is that it is his memory alone. i think we all have those memories, all have those who have made impressions, yet they are ours alone. there are strangers that have a vivid place in a memory that wouldn't know my face if i was staring them in the eye, and there are memories that will only be mine... life is funny in that way, and relationships are stranger yet. it reminds me to remember that each impression is different, and each memory means something different for those that they are part of. because of that, it makes it special when your best friend remembers something you may have said or done which you can barely bring to mind, or something that your mentor has said in passing that he could barely remember, yet is something that molds your career.
because of impressions, thoughts, and memories alike we all continue to simply glide along like gypsies in this crazy thing called life. [slightly out there i realize] but, for me it is the anticipation of finding more lasting impressions, and allowing yourself to leave your mark on others and not even know it that makes each day a little different, and a whole lot exciting in the long run... and well, ya never know when you are making your mark on someones memory, hopefully it is the lasting kind.
pretty cool if you ask me.